Mock trial/proceedings and discussions of judgments and emerging issues in the IP field by legal professionals are open to the public.
This year at our eighth annual symposium, we will focus on intellectual property dispute resolution in Japan, the United States and Europe, and discuss the latest issues with our distinguished guests.

What’s New

September 2, 2024
Registration is now open.

September 2, 2024
HP was opened to the public.


Thursday, October 24
Friday, October 25

Registration here

  • Participation in the symposium may be In-person or Online. Pre-registration is required to participate in both In-person and Online.
  • Registration at the venue is on a first-come, first-served basis, with approximately 250 seats available.
  • Please be advised that you may be reflected in photographs and videos (live and archived) while attending the symposium at the venue.
  • No printed materials will be distributed at the symposium. All information will be displayed on a large screen at the venue. Tablet devices for viewing reference materials will be lent to on-site attendees. If you wish to view the materials at hand, please print them out or download them to your tablet device and bring them with you on the day of the symposium. The materials will be posted on the website by the day before the date of the symposium. Free Wi-Fi will be available at the venue. To avoid network traffic congestion, kindly download the materials in advance.
  • Important Notice: There is no power supply at the venue.


Thursday, October 24 13:30 - 18:00 (JST)
Court Part

  • Mock Trial by Japan, the Unified Patent Court, the United States and England & Wales
    (Cases Where Patent Validity is Disputed in Patent Infringement Litigation)
  • Panel Discussion (Examination of Patent Validity in Court)

Friday, October 25 13:30 - 18:00 (JST)
Patent Office Part

  • Presentation (The Current State of Trials/Appeals, Relationship between Patent Office and Courts)
  • Mock Oral Proceedings by the Japan Patent Office
  • Panel Discussion (Oral Proceedings, Determination on Novelty and Inventive Step)

Judges, Attorneys at Law and Administrative Judges of Japan, the United States and Europe

Japanese and English (Japan-English simultaneous interpretation)


Auditorium “CREO”;
Bar Associations Building

1-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
(Tokyo Metro Kasumigaseki Sta. Exit B1-b)

Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property/TOKYO2024
(JSIP2024) Flyer

flyer image
PDFJudicial Symposium on Intellectual Property/TOKYO2024(JSIP2024) Flyer
( PDF/164KB )

Supreme Court of Japan Administrative Affaires Bureau YouTube Channel

Archives of former JSIP programs are available at the Supreme Court of Japan Administrative Affairs Bureau YouTube account.「新しいウインドウ」で開く