
Ministry of Justice

Name: KAWAHARA Ryuji
Position: Vice-Minister of Justice of Japan
1987 Bachelor of Laws (LLB) at Keio University
1988 Legal Apprenticeship at the Legal Training and Research Institute of Japan

Professional Experience:
1989 Appointed as a Public Prosecutor at the Tokyo District Prosecutors Office, and then served at the
Criminal Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ), Minister’s Secretariat of the MOJ, etc.
2014 Director of the Criminal Affairs Department, Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office
2016 Director of the Criminal Affairs Department, Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office
2017 Chief Prosecutor of the Akita District Public Prosecutors Office
2018 Public Prosecutor of the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office
2019 Deputy Vice-Minister of Justice, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Justice
2020 Director-General of the Criminal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Justice
Jan. 2023 to present Vice-Minister of Justice of Japan